

Joining PCT as a Volunteer is easy :

  • Register through our user engagement partner, Socially Good here.
  • By doing so, you can track your engagement and earn Karma points as recognition of your volunteer hours. (Or)
  • Simply fill the below Google form, and we will get back to you.
We look forward to welcoming you to the VIP program and making a positive impact together!

Volunteer in Public Service (VIP)

The volunteer engagement initiative at Padala Charitable Trust (PCT) is called the Volunteer in Public Service (VIP) program. Started in 2013, VIP draws inspiration from the impactful Volunteer in Police Service initiative in the USA. Our mission is clear: connect individuals with a social conscience—students, professionals, and homemakers—to the heart of societal needs. VIP isn't just a volunteering opportunity; it's a catalyst for social responsibility. 

We channel the vibrant energy of students, working professionals, and homemakers, thereby creating awareness in society and nurturing the individual development of the volunteers. Since its inception, Program VIP has engaged hundreds of volunteers, and many of them have found their life's calling in the area of social work. Join us in making a tangible difference—one where your time and commitment transform into a lasting impact.

About PCT's Programs and Areas of Work

Our work at PCT is primarily targeted at partnering with government schools and benefitting government school students. Our Empowerment Programs offer financial aid, material support, and mentoring to underprivileged students, ensuring access to education. Large-scale classroom-based Awareness Programs address crucial issues like reproductive health and child abuse, creating an empathetic learning environment. You can more about our work on our programs page.

Benefits of Volunteering with Us

  • Contribute to meaningful projects that directly impact communities.
  • Develop valuable skills in areas such as communication, teamwork, and project management.
  • Connect with a community of passionate individuals dedicated to creating positive change.
  • Become PCT's certified volunteer, recognized for your commitment and contribution.
  • By registering on Socially Good Platform for our volunteer opportunities, you can earn Karma Points. Showcase these points on job resumes and college applications to highlight your volunteer efforts.

Areas in Which a Volunteer Can Be Involved

  • Any kind of work in which a volunteer is interested.
  • Assist in technical work, including website maintenance, updating, and database management.
  • Write blog articles, and create impactful posters, videos, short films, and other digital content to raise awareness.
  • Organize large-scale material distribution events in collaboration with PCT.
  • Accompany PCT in field visits to schools and children's homes, or act as trainers for awareness workshops in schools and communities.
  • Assist in office administrative work, including inventory management and accounting tasks.
  • Engage in campaigns to promote donations through the Benevity causes portal, connecting with employees from leading software companies worldwide.
  • Contribute to ideation and brainstorming sessions to guide PCT's work using your expertise.