
Educating and Raising Awareness among adolescent girls and boys, and women with interactive awareness workshops about reproductive health, hygiene, and self-empowerment while encouraging them to let go of long-held, unscientific blind beliefs.

The journey of SWECHHA has begun on the day of September 12th in 2015 towards discussion about adolescent girl child in remote rural parts of Andhra Pradesh.

Swechha for Girls

This programme is dedicated to making a difference in the lives of adolescent girls through awareness sessions. The awareness is provided on topics such as menstruation and its hygiene, personal hygiene, reproductive systems, personal safety, child sexual abuse (CSA), child marriages, attractions in adolescence, etc. This programme aims to break the silence on these critical issues and provide the support and resources these girls need for a healthy, comfortable life. This programme enables girls to speak openly about these topics and break out of the age-old myths.

Why ?

  • To reduce the stigma and shame around menstruation. 
  • To improve the overall health and lifestyle of girls in rural areas. 
  • To enable them to protect themselves in unsafe situations like child marriage and child sexual abuse.
  • To help them realise that girls can also have it all.

Swechha for Boys

Many times, organisations focus primarily on girls and women, leaving boys and men out of the conversation. To address this issue, some organisations like ours have created awareness modules specifically designed for adolescent boys. PCT is one of the first organisations in the Telugu states to tackle this problem and has developed a comprehensive module that covers boys’ adolescent changes and gender sensitization. In the Swechha for Boys Programme, a wide range of topics are explained in detail and discussed very sensibly and rationally. These topics include physical changes that happen in adolescence, the reproductive system, reproductive health hygiene, bullying, peer pressure, and substance abuse. We even encourage students to have an open and rational discussion with us and clear their doubts and misconceptions about sensitive and often less discussed topics like masturbation, Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) and sexuality.

Why ?

  • To empower adolescent boys, and provide knowledge about their bodies.
  • To cultivate the practice of good personal and reproductive hygiene
  • To mitigate bullying at schools, by promoting a culture of respect and inclusivity.
  • To enhance gender sensitivity among young boys for a more equitable and compassionate society.
  • To counter the incidence of substance abuse and STDs among youth for a healthier and safer future.

Swechha for Women

Swechha Women's Programme by PCT focuses on menstrual hygiene, reproductive health and disorders, gender equity, and self-employment. We raise awareness through campaigns and workshops to empower women with vital knowledge and promote gender equity. We support women in their entrepreneurship efforts by providing training and resources for self-sufficiency. We are trying to create a healthier and more equitable future for them.

Why ?

  • To reduce the stigma and shame around menstruation. 
  • To educate and create awareness on reproductive health.
  • To promote a more equitable society.
  • To support women in their entrepreneurial endeavours.

How the Program is Conducted?

Classroom-Based Workshops:
Interactive sessions in schools, mainly government schools, using audio-visual presentations. Facilitate discussions on menstrual health, reproductive health, child sexual abuse, and child marriages.

Hands-On Activities:
Organise practical activities to demonstrate proper hygiene practices during menstruation. Conduct role-playing exercises to address misconceptions and break stigmas.

Interactive Q&A Sessions:
Facilitate question-and-answer sessions to address specific concerns and queries. Create a safe space for open discussions on sensitive topics.
Distribution of Educational Materials:
Provide informative books on menstrual and reproductive health. Distribute materials raising awareness about child sexual abuse and child marriages. Each student will receive a book.

Capacity Building:
Conduct workshops to build the capacity of teaching and non-teaching staff in schools.

Swechha Publications

Our Reach


Swechha for Girls


Swechha for Boys


Swechha for Women

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